Cornerstone Educational Preschool & Individual Consultations
Dr. Dustow is a person who truly cares about each and every child and the successful transition into a regular educational program as well as into"life" as we know it. She has helped many young children of whom I personally know, by teaching parents about their child's needs and how to support them at home. She teaches the schools on how to support these children so that they can actually acquire an education.
She is successful because she truly understands children to such a degree that every child, (that I know of) she has successfully mainstreamed into the community, school and family. I am thankful that she was able to reach my child at an early age and transform him into the wonderful successful youngster that he is today.
- T.C.O., Parent
The key to Dr. Jennifer Dustow is that she gets results. We were looking for answers to help our child and kept running into roadblocks until we were fortunate enough to find Dr. Dustow. We noticed results right away in our child's behavior.
Her approach is practical and effective, and has changed our world and our family unit. It was as if Dr. Dustow lifted a veil between us and our child, making things seem clearer.
Our child can now function in social settings, a dramatic difference from the child who she began working with. The practical tools she gave us made all the difference.
- K.L.M., Parent
I am so happy that my son has stopped acting out in his preschool. Dr. Dustow's simple ideas worked. He still is a handful but manageable now.
- Parent, Lanai
Within two weeks, our son’s behavior changed dramatically. He was more responsive, cognitively and socially aware, and exhibiting a distinct personality. Over the next two months, Dr. Jennifer Dustow achieved all of the results she had outlined from day one, results that we personally wished for but doubted.
Our son is now on the path for a life filled with expectations and hope, a life we were unsure of before we met Dr. Dustow. She delivers on her promises, and for that were are forever grateful.​
- T.K.L., Parent
Praise for "Embracing Calmness: The MLE Program Through Midline Exercises"
As a parent of a son diagnosed with autism, I am always searching for ways to help him balance his emotions at times when he finds the world overwhelming.
My son has been using the H.A.P.P.Y. exercises and it's wonderful because now that he has them memorized, they're a great help to have when we're on the go. We just used it last week while in the car and he was nervous. The book clearly illustrates the exercises, making them easy to do. I recommend these effective, evidence-based strategies, they really work!
My son loves the stick figures, they make it easy for anyone to pick up this book and start using the exercises right away. I've got to say, it's a nice tool to add to our emotional toolkit to avoid meltdowns. There are so many unexpected triggers throughout the day, especially during transitions, which can make my son feel overwhelmed. I just tell him, "Let's do the H.A.P.P.Y. exercises," and it calms him. I highly recommend this book to kids of all ages who can move from anxious to happy in five easy steps.
- Kylie Lee, Parent, NYC
Embracing Calmness” by Dr. Jennifer Dustow is the perfect book and a must have for nurses and parents of a growing family. While working with children diagnosed along the autism spectrum, Dr. Dustow discovered effective techniques to promote and generate calmness in children. Designed for the busy teacher and/or parent, “Embracing Calmness” is presented in such a way that it offers a simple solution for learning and implementing the calming techniques that can be used in both the classroom and in the home.
- Dr. Tamy DeLeon, Lt. Col. (Ret.), RN, CNS, IBCLC
As a special education preschool teacher I’m always looking for effective and efficient ways to engage my students during lessons and to sustain their attention to group activities. After reading Dr. Jennifer Dustow’s book, "Embracing Calmness," I was empowered to attempt the exercises with my students in hopes of increasing their time on task throughout the school day. After a short amount of time, almost all of my students showed an increase in on-task behaviors. We completed the exercises daily as a class before each of our two large-group circle times.
One of my favorite aspects of the program is that the exercises are quick to complete, which allowed me to incorporate the exercises during multiple activities. Because there is minimal preparation needed, I was able to implement the exercises immediately with my students. With other programs I have trialed in the past, it was difficult to teach and utilize the exercises within a group/class setting. However, with the exercises in this book, I was, and continue to be able to, engage my entire preschool class in these exercises! ​
- Anthony Friscia, Special Education Teacher, Hawaii